Hello there! I am looking for people who keep their diaries in English.
If you are interested in communication, I'll be glad to maintain friendly relations with you! ♥
I chose the most ridiculous, if there is something that you would like to know - ask me and I will answer immediately.
If you are interested in communication, I'll be glad to maintain friendly relations with you! ♥
hundred and more boring things about me
• My name's Kim, my full name is Kimberly Diane Saunders. I am 21.
• I have one brother and one sister, both elder.
Antony is 31 and Lucy is 23 and one stepsister - Sandra. She is 24.
She's named after one of father's ex-girlfriends.
• I am Ukrainian by birth, though almost all my life I lived in Canada,
Spent half of my childhood in the US. While I was studying at school I lived here...
After the graduation I left America and returned to Canada...
At first I lived in Ottawa (Ontario), where I still have relatives I keep in contact with.
Then I moved to Montreal. For the last 3 years I have been living here.
• I have Canadian citizenship.
• I grew up in Ottawa, except ages 8-13, when I was in Los Angeles.
• I’ve never been married and have no children. I haven’t lacked opportunity,
Just the type of feelings that would necessitate this type of lifestyle change and commitment.
• Apparently my personality strongly resembles that of my mom.
She has a vivid imagination and is stubborn like me.
• My sister is the closest person in my life to someone who really understands me.
I’m horrible about telling my sister how much I really care for her...
• My parents divorced when I was 7 then my dad committed a suicide.
• I have a very good visual memory.
• Most important, I can remember how I thought and viewed the world when I was a kid.
This keeps me sane, and dangerous.
• My mom says when I was a little kid I could get absorbed for hours in some little thing.
• I'm descended from some of the first French people to come to Canada,
And some Irish and Germans who came more recently, and a few Algonquins who came much earlier.
• My friends say I have Newfoundland accent...
• After years of hard work I dropped my accent because it didn’t work out so well
When I was trying to speak French in Quebec. I still have lapses though from time to time.
• By the way, I’ve never been to Newfoundland. The farthest I’ve gotten is mid-way thru the Island.
• I've worked for year and a half as a graphic illustrator mostly for print shops in the Halifax area
Before becoming designer. I once spent 2 weeks cooped up in a windowless office in the winter.
I didn’t see the sun unless I deliberately went outside into the cold to do so.
It was the worst job I’ve ever had, and now I refuse to work 8 hours behind a desk because of it.
• Yep, I am fashion designer. My degree is in art.
• I love the ballet.
My aunt used to take me a child. I don’t mean modern ballet either, but the classics like Swan Lake.
• The only celebrity I’ve ever met is Christopher Crawford. He’s a lot shorter in real life but he has a great smile.
• No matter what I do in life, I hold on to one statement that gets me thru: “I’m going to be alright”
• I say “no problems” all the time…
• I like singing, sitting in the bathroom wherever I can stay alone. Give me a real guitar and I’ll make your ears bleed.
• My favorite Canadian singer of all time is Bill Henderson.
• Every time I’ve planned a vacation something has gone horribly wrong.
Every time I’ve hopped into the car and just taken off to parts unknown I’ve had the time of my life.
So I’ve learned to embrace and enjoy spontaneity.
• At University I once went streaking down a football field with a friend
Who had gotten me up in the middle of the night to watch the stars for her astronomy project.
• I’m terrified of heights. Stepladders make me nervous even.
Flying is okay though other than the takeoffs and landings.
• I'm afraid of small spaces.
• I'm afraid of crowds.
• I'm afraid of deserted places.
• And I am not a shammer!
• My coffee addiction is such that if I don’t have any during the run of a day I get headaches.
• I have a pretty low tolerance for people who eat my chocolate without my offering to share first.
• I hate people who do something without permission.
• My best friend's middle name is Napoleon.
Thankfully he doesn't try to conquer the world and he's also a lot taller.
• I am indeed a natural redhead!
• Yes, I am covered in freckles. No, I’ve never counted how many.
• My favorite colours are grey and red.
• When I get nervous, I chew holes in the neckline of my shirts.
• I’m nocturnal by nature, though society forces me to keep other hours...
• My favorite movie of all time is 'Jeeves and Wooster'.
• Of all languages I’d like to learn fluently, - Italian and Welsh...
• French is my first language. What a shame! Vous parlez français??
• At times, all I’ve ever wanted to do was to make my family proud of me.
• My middle name (Diane) comes from aunt I never met.
• I still wake up early on Christmas.
• I’m a big kid at heart though I try to be serious.
• My first teddy bear was named Brown Bear.
• I still have Brown Bear...and I love him!
• I like fooling around...
• I lead a regular life.
• I have never done drugs...though I have been offered.
• I love sleeping naked and waking up on Saturday mornings when I'm warm and the sheets are cool...
• I don't believe in love at first sight...
• People who make me laugh fascinate me. Especially when its a sarcastic or caustic remark that does it!
• When I hear a song I like, I can listen to it over and over without tiring of it.
I will usually sing and dance along if no one else is around.
• I don't remember anything about my maternal grandfather before his stroke. Mom said he was a painter.
• My best childhood friend was six years older than me. At that time I felt myself like a beetle as compared with him.
• I have read "How to Win Friends and Influence People" at least five times.
• I write with my right hand and throw with my left hand.
• I won 4th place in a spelling bee in 6th grade without studying.
I went out on the word 'baboon', spelling it 'babboon.'
• Everyone called me Kimberly or Kim until some friends at school began using Di and the name stuck.
Most of my immediate family still calls me Lady Di in jest.
• I can't say I love UK, or am delighted with their culture, but I had to stay there for a while.
• As a child I loved leafing through the book with anatomical human structure...
• I'm not mentioning things I've never done in this list, because until I'm dead, I still might do them.
• I used to run around the neighborhood in my bathing suit during summer thunderstorms.
• I don't like cola. It's like a soap, isn't it??
• Some neighborhood kids asked me if I was a homo sapient or a homosexual when I was five.
I didn't know what they meant, and refused to respond, guessing that they would make fun of me if I answered.
• When I was five, I thought that wide screens were made up for Asians.
• I had a pet hermit crab who died when he left his shell to find a bigger one.
I didn't know I was supposed to provide a bigger one for him. At least I think it was a "he."
• I once memorized the locations of all 50 US states in one day for a test.
We were given a blank map and had to write the name of each state in the appropriate location and I managed my job well.
• I love talking about relationships and human interaction.
• I love sleeping until noon, then wake up, stretching myself sweetly across the bed, and go for a walk afterwards,
With fav book in one hand and tea cup in the other...
• I like morning walks, it brings me lots of impressions every time, even if I was in low spirits at first.
• I had a fascination with briefcases, until I finally got one and realized they weren't all that exciting.
• I like to make people laugh.
• I find excessive use of exclamation marks...It's annoying.
• When I'm tasked with something repetitive or monotonous I find the most efficient way to complete it,
Often testing different strategies to speed up the process.
• I currently have 53 pairs of shoes in my closet.
• Ten out of 53 are red or have red on them.
• Eight out of 53 have beads, sequins, or both.
•I've doubted many things about myself, but I have never doubted my sanity.
And no, that is not a sign of insanity on any serious list of diagnostic criteria.
• Calling a stranger on the phone frightens me more than speaking in front of a huge audience.
• I hate when someone comes five minutes late.
• I hate illiterate people...
• When I see couples touch each other, I always wonder how they decided to do it at that particular time and place,
And whether they really feel like it or are contriving it.
• I have been single for almost my entire life. My love was my work.
They say "it just happens" but for me it just fizzles out before it gets anywhere.
Now I think I have something like colorblindness for the spectrum of seduction,
And the people who see it can't imagine how anyone else can't.
At the present time my boyfriend likes me enough that he doesn't care that I do everything wrong.
• I've always wanted to travel across North America on foot, with a group of friends, after civilization collapses.
• I've driven tens of thousands of miles, all around the country twice.
• I like to sleep in a cold room with a lot of blankets and my feet sticking out to radiate excess heat.
• I get really cold around midnight, really hot around 4am, and cold again at sunrise.
• I'm the best singer in my family, but still not a good singer.
• I am photographer.
• In college I was obsessed with Ellis Bell (Emily Jane Brontë
, and to this day,
If I could go back in time and meet one famous person, it would be her.
After that, I would like to meet Charles Fort and Pelham Wodehouse.
I think 90% of my ideas can be derived from those two guys.
• In my early 20's I wrote a lot of poetry, and I ended up with one great one and one pretty good one.
• My favorite poetry writers are Cummings and Swinburne.
• My favorite line is by Wallace Stevens: "We live in an old chaos of the sun."
• The first book I ever read on my own for pleasure without being forced to do was Ann Sewell’s Black Beauty.
• I once wrote a book. It was stupid and it never got published.
• I’m always looking for ways to improve my life, even if I’m completely happy with it at the time.
• I’m naturally right handed, I draw by left hand though.
• I really enjoy just walking around sometimes, it gives me time to clear my head...
• I was shocked in the eighth grade when a not-quite-popular girl said she wanted to be popular.
I always thought the idea was to rise up and kill the popular kids.
• I can get along with almost anyone except popular kids and their affectedness... >.<
• When I hear about school shootings, I always feel relief.
• September 11, 2001 was the day I started going barefoot in the city. Now I go barefoot everywhere I can.
I even installed rubber pedals so I can go barefoot on my bicycle.
• I don't understand why people crave final answers and certainty.
Nobody wants to go into a physical space and stay there for their entire life.
They want to move around and see different things.
So why do they feel any different about mental spaces?
• Some people think I’m funny.
• My family is my first priority.
• My best friend is my mother, mostly because she’s a bit nutty.
• I love my mom more than life of mine...
• I am quite Canadian at heart...
• I wonder if anyone is actually going to read all of these...
• I used to keep a pad of graph paper where I designed shapes in it...
• Sometimes I swear like a sailor...
• I spell 'colour', 'honour', 'neighbour' and 'flavour' all with a 'U' in them on principle...
• I rarely remember my dreams after I wake up.
• I sleep with a minimum of 2 pillows...
• I can wiggle my ears. (without touching them, certainly)
• My uncle was hit by train, I still am not sure it was an accident...
• I like the feeling of being up early in the morning.
• I love shopping.
• Summer is my favorite season.
• I lived 10 miles from the ocean but am not a fan of seafood.
• I am vegetarian.
• My favorite vegetable is the avocado, which is technically a fruit.
My favorite true vegetable is the artichoke. I have never tasted 'em, but I like their names...
• My favorite fruits are strawberry and tart cherry.
• I think I’m allergic to melons.
• I keep memories not in pictures of the past, but feelings that portrayed during the time...
• I love New York City, but I can’t imagine living there.
• I’ve seen 90 of the 100 top-grossing movies.
• I usually have a crush on someone.
• I am not very patient. Except at work.
• Stupid people drive me crazy.
• I have been to Europe and Canada, but not Mexico.
• British accents melt me like butter.
• When people spell words out, I can’t follow it.
• I’ve had my heart broken.
• Sunrises make me sad.
• When salt spills, I throw it over my left shoulder.
• I wish I appreciated poetry more than I do.
• I have written seven poems and two haiku.
• I love arts and crafts.
• I tend to repeat myself.
I tend to repeat myself.
• I don’t always feel like a grown-up.
• I don’t share the good chocolate with anyone.
• I still make wishes when I blow out the candles.
• I like to dance to fast music with the accent on the one beat...
• I'm able to cry better as I get older.
• Once a painting made me cry, one of Monet's 'Wheatstacks'. And it raises an important question:
How can a painting of wheatstacks affect a person more powerfully than actual wheatstacks?
• I don't know a lot about art history, but I love Turner.
• Two other movies put me in a mental space afterwards where the world seemed unspeakably wonderful
And anything I wanted to do seemed possible. This feeling lasted about half an hour before it went away.
You'll never guess: the two movies were 'Anne Leibowitz Life Through a Lens' and 'Groundhog Day'.
I've re-watched 'em over and over for the upteenth time.
• A friend once told me that I look at the world as if I've never seen it before. I thought, that's a nice compliment...
Wait! I never have seen it before! What did everyone else get a preview?
• I have one brother and one sister, both elder.
Antony is 31 and Lucy is 23 and one stepsister - Sandra. She is 24.
She's named after one of father's ex-girlfriends.
• I am Ukrainian by birth, though almost all my life I lived in Canada,
Spent half of my childhood in the US. While I was studying at school I lived here...
After the graduation I left America and returned to Canada...
At first I lived in Ottawa (Ontario), where I still have relatives I keep in contact with.
Then I moved to Montreal. For the last 3 years I have been living here.
• I have Canadian citizenship.
• I grew up in Ottawa, except ages 8-13, when I was in Los Angeles.
• I’ve never been married and have no children. I haven’t lacked opportunity,
Just the type of feelings that would necessitate this type of lifestyle change and commitment.
• Apparently my personality strongly resembles that of my mom.
She has a vivid imagination and is stubborn like me.
• My sister is the closest person in my life to someone who really understands me.
I’m horrible about telling my sister how much I really care for her...
• My parents divorced when I was 7 then my dad committed a suicide.
• I have a very good visual memory.
• Most important, I can remember how I thought and viewed the world when I was a kid.
This keeps me sane, and dangerous.
• My mom says when I was a little kid I could get absorbed for hours in some little thing.
• I'm descended from some of the first French people to come to Canada,
And some Irish and Germans who came more recently, and a few Algonquins who came much earlier.
• My friends say I have Newfoundland accent...

• After years of hard work I dropped my accent because it didn’t work out so well
When I was trying to speak French in Quebec. I still have lapses though from time to time.
• By the way, I’ve never been to Newfoundland. The farthest I’ve gotten is mid-way thru the Island.
• I've worked for year and a half as a graphic illustrator mostly for print shops in the Halifax area
Before becoming designer. I once spent 2 weeks cooped up in a windowless office in the winter.
I didn’t see the sun unless I deliberately went outside into the cold to do so.
It was the worst job I’ve ever had, and now I refuse to work 8 hours behind a desk because of it.
• Yep, I am fashion designer. My degree is in art.
• I love the ballet.
My aunt used to take me a child. I don’t mean modern ballet either, but the classics like Swan Lake.
• The only celebrity I’ve ever met is Christopher Crawford. He’s a lot shorter in real life but he has a great smile.

• No matter what I do in life, I hold on to one statement that gets me thru: “I’m going to be alright”
• I say “no problems” all the time…
• I like singing, sitting in the bathroom wherever I can stay alone. Give me a real guitar and I’ll make your ears bleed.
• My favorite Canadian singer of all time is Bill Henderson.
• Every time I’ve planned a vacation something has gone horribly wrong.
Every time I’ve hopped into the car and just taken off to parts unknown I’ve had the time of my life.
So I’ve learned to embrace and enjoy spontaneity.
• At University I once went streaking down a football field with a friend
Who had gotten me up in the middle of the night to watch the stars for her astronomy project.
• I’m terrified of heights. Stepladders make me nervous even.
Flying is okay though other than the takeoffs and landings.
• I'm afraid of small spaces.
• I'm afraid of crowds.
• I'm afraid of deserted places.
• And I am not a shammer!
• My coffee addiction is such that if I don’t have any during the run of a day I get headaches.
• I have a pretty low tolerance for people who eat my chocolate without my offering to share first.
• I hate people who do something without permission.
• My best friend's middle name is Napoleon.
Thankfully he doesn't try to conquer the world and he's also a lot taller.
• I am indeed a natural redhead!
• Yes, I am covered in freckles. No, I’ve never counted how many.
• My favorite colours are grey and red.
• When I get nervous, I chew holes in the neckline of my shirts.
• I’m nocturnal by nature, though society forces me to keep other hours...
• My favorite movie of all time is 'Jeeves and Wooster'.
• Of all languages I’d like to learn fluently, - Italian and Welsh...
• French is my first language. What a shame! Vous parlez français??
• At times, all I’ve ever wanted to do was to make my family proud of me.
• My middle name (Diane) comes from aunt I never met.
• I still wake up early on Christmas.
• I’m a big kid at heart though I try to be serious.
• My first teddy bear was named Brown Bear.
• I still have Brown Bear...and I love him!
• I like fooling around...
• I lead a regular life.
• I have never done drugs...though I have been offered.
• I love sleeping naked and waking up on Saturday mornings when I'm warm and the sheets are cool...
• I don't believe in love at first sight...
• People who make me laugh fascinate me. Especially when its a sarcastic or caustic remark that does it!
• When I hear a song I like, I can listen to it over and over without tiring of it.
I will usually sing and dance along if no one else is around.
• I don't remember anything about my maternal grandfather before his stroke. Mom said he was a painter.
• My best childhood friend was six years older than me. At that time I felt myself like a beetle as compared with him.
• I have read "How to Win Friends and Influence People" at least five times.
• I write with my right hand and throw with my left hand.
• I won 4th place in a spelling bee in 6th grade without studying.
I went out on the word 'baboon', spelling it 'babboon.'
• Everyone called me Kimberly or Kim until some friends at school began using Di and the name stuck.
Most of my immediate family still calls me Lady Di in jest.
• I can't say I love UK, or am delighted with their culture, but I had to stay there for a while.
• As a child I loved leafing through the book with anatomical human structure...
• I'm not mentioning things I've never done in this list, because until I'm dead, I still might do them.
• I used to run around the neighborhood in my bathing suit during summer thunderstorms.
• I don't like cola. It's like a soap, isn't it??
• Some neighborhood kids asked me if I was a homo sapient or a homosexual when I was five.
I didn't know what they meant, and refused to respond, guessing that they would make fun of me if I answered.
• When I was five, I thought that wide screens were made up for Asians.
• I had a pet hermit crab who died when he left his shell to find a bigger one.
I didn't know I was supposed to provide a bigger one for him. At least I think it was a "he."
• I once memorized the locations of all 50 US states in one day for a test.
We were given a blank map and had to write the name of each state in the appropriate location and I managed my job well.
• I love talking about relationships and human interaction.
• I love sleeping until noon, then wake up, stretching myself sweetly across the bed, and go for a walk afterwards,
With fav book in one hand and tea cup in the other...
• I like morning walks, it brings me lots of impressions every time, even if I was in low spirits at first.
• I had a fascination with briefcases, until I finally got one and realized they weren't all that exciting.
• I like to make people laugh.
• I find excessive use of exclamation marks...It's annoying.
• When I'm tasked with something repetitive or monotonous I find the most efficient way to complete it,
Often testing different strategies to speed up the process.
• I currently have 53 pairs of shoes in my closet.
• Ten out of 53 are red or have red on them.
• Eight out of 53 have beads, sequins, or both.
•I've doubted many things about myself, but I have never doubted my sanity.
And no, that is not a sign of insanity on any serious list of diagnostic criteria.
• Calling a stranger on the phone frightens me more than speaking in front of a huge audience.
• I hate when someone comes five minutes late.
• I hate illiterate people...
• When I see couples touch each other, I always wonder how they decided to do it at that particular time and place,
And whether they really feel like it or are contriving it.
• I have been single for almost my entire life. My love was my work.
They say "it just happens" but for me it just fizzles out before it gets anywhere.
Now I think I have something like colorblindness for the spectrum of seduction,
And the people who see it can't imagine how anyone else can't.
At the present time my boyfriend likes me enough that he doesn't care that I do everything wrong.
• I've always wanted to travel across North America on foot, with a group of friends, after civilization collapses.
• I've driven tens of thousands of miles, all around the country twice.
• I like to sleep in a cold room with a lot of blankets and my feet sticking out to radiate excess heat.
• I get really cold around midnight, really hot around 4am, and cold again at sunrise.
• I'm the best singer in my family, but still not a good singer.
• I am photographer.
• In college I was obsessed with Ellis Bell (Emily Jane Brontë

If I could go back in time and meet one famous person, it would be her.
After that, I would like to meet Charles Fort and Pelham Wodehouse.
I think 90% of my ideas can be derived from those two guys.
• In my early 20's I wrote a lot of poetry, and I ended up with one great one and one pretty good one.
• My favorite poetry writers are Cummings and Swinburne.
• My favorite line is by Wallace Stevens: "We live in an old chaos of the sun."
• The first book I ever read on my own for pleasure without being forced to do was Ann Sewell’s Black Beauty.
• I once wrote a book. It was stupid and it never got published.
• I’m always looking for ways to improve my life, even if I’m completely happy with it at the time.
• I’m naturally right handed, I draw by left hand though.
• I really enjoy just walking around sometimes, it gives me time to clear my head...
• I was shocked in the eighth grade when a not-quite-popular girl said she wanted to be popular.
I always thought the idea was to rise up and kill the popular kids.
• I can get along with almost anyone except popular kids and their affectedness... >.<
• When I hear about school shootings, I always feel relief.
• September 11, 2001 was the day I started going barefoot in the city. Now I go barefoot everywhere I can.
I even installed rubber pedals so I can go barefoot on my bicycle.
• I don't understand why people crave final answers and certainty.
Nobody wants to go into a physical space and stay there for their entire life.
They want to move around and see different things.
So why do they feel any different about mental spaces?
• Some people think I’m funny.
• My family is my first priority.
• My best friend is my mother, mostly because she’s a bit nutty.
• I love my mom more than life of mine...
• I am quite Canadian at heart...
• I wonder if anyone is actually going to read all of these...
• I used to keep a pad of graph paper where I designed shapes in it...
• Sometimes I swear like a sailor...
• I spell 'colour', 'honour', 'neighbour' and 'flavour' all with a 'U' in them on principle...
• I rarely remember my dreams after I wake up.
• I sleep with a minimum of 2 pillows...
• I can wiggle my ears. (without touching them, certainly)
• My uncle was hit by train, I still am not sure it was an accident...
• I like the feeling of being up early in the morning.
• I love shopping.
• Summer is my favorite season.
• I lived 10 miles from the ocean but am not a fan of seafood.
• I am vegetarian.
• My favorite vegetable is the avocado, which is technically a fruit.
My favorite true vegetable is the artichoke. I have never tasted 'em, but I like their names...
• My favorite fruits are strawberry and tart cherry.
• I think I’m allergic to melons.
• I keep memories not in pictures of the past, but feelings that portrayed during the time...
• I love New York City, but I can’t imagine living there.
• I’ve seen 90 of the 100 top-grossing movies.
• I usually have a crush on someone.
• I am not very patient. Except at work.
• Stupid people drive me crazy.
• I have been to Europe and Canada, but not Mexico.
• British accents melt me like butter.
• When people spell words out, I can’t follow it.
• I’ve had my heart broken.
• Sunrises make me sad.
• When salt spills, I throw it over my left shoulder.
• I wish I appreciated poetry more than I do.
• I have written seven poems and two haiku.
• I love arts and crafts.
• I tend to repeat myself.
I tend to repeat myself.
• I don’t always feel like a grown-up.
• I don’t share the good chocolate with anyone.
• I still make wishes when I blow out the candles.
• I like to dance to fast music with the accent on the one beat...
• I'm able to cry better as I get older.
• Once a painting made me cry, one of Monet's 'Wheatstacks'. And it raises an important question:
How can a painting of wheatstacks affect a person more powerfully than actual wheatstacks?
• I don't know a lot about art history, but I love Turner.
• Two other movies put me in a mental space afterwards where the world seemed unspeakably wonderful
And anything I wanted to do seemed possible. This feeling lasted about half an hour before it went away.
You'll never guess: the two movies were 'Anne Leibowitz Life Through a Lens' and 'Groundhog Day'.
I've re-watched 'em over and over for the upteenth time.
• A friend once told me that I look at the world as if I've never seen it before. I thought, that's a nice compliment...
Wait! I never have seen it before! What did everyone else get a preview?
• And the last one. My friend and I bet a hundred bucks that I'd make up lots of facts 'bout me, therefore I wrote it. 

I chose the most ridiculous, if there is something that you would like to know - ask me and I will answer immediately.